Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Mo-gress 2

Hey all,

Well Movember is drawing to a close... and i guess the mo will have to come off soon too. I'm growing quite attached to it actually! Maybe it will stay...

The Mo has come a long way since my last post. I noticed in the pic I put on here and in the one sent out to 645 by Robin - there wasn't really much of a mo to show. Well, all that has changed... It's pretty serious now! I can actually grab the bottom of it and twist it and play with it. Also, the bit above my lip is getting to the stage now where it is actually curling down and scratching my lip. Thats serious mo!

(If you're not sure what on earth this is all about... CLICK HERE)

Check out my pic...

We at the CCCM's are really hoping to raise some serious cash to support men's health. We're getting very close to our magical target, but we're not quite there yet. Please support men's health by sponsoring us. Your contribution can make a difference.

I would also like to give a massive thanks to those who have already contributed!

If you would like to support me and the CCCM's (see pervious post), then please click HERE, enter my Rego number which is 41343 and your credit card details. All donations of $2 and over are tax deductible. Any and all support is greatly appreciated.

Monday, November 27, 2006

They know you like them...

... and I think i can speak for everyone when i say that we all wish our girlfriends were hot like Robbo and Pete.

CLICK ME for more funny videos

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Mo-gress 1

Hey all,

The Mo is coming along fairly well i think... So well in fact that it can actually be seen and is somewhat distinguishable as a Mo - well i think so anyway... check the photo to make up your own mind.

One interesting thing about my Mo is that it is multi-coloured. As can be seen from the pic, the bit above my lip is a combination of light and dark blonde, and even some light brown. However, when you look down to the bottom of the handel bars, the blonde has dissapeared and in its place is some (or a lot) of ginger hair.

Thats right... I'm a Captain Red-Beard.

But thats cool... I'm comfortable with it!

Movember is a good cause towards men's health. I know of about 6 or 7 guys who are growing mo's which is great. I invite you to jump on board and either support me or someone else you know who is doing it.

If you would like to support me and the CCCM's (see pervious post), then please go to, enter my Rego number which is 41343 and your credit card details. All donations of $2 and over are tax deductible. If you dont have a credit card, you can just let me know you wanna sponsor us and give me some cash. Any and all support is greatly appreciated.

Stay tuned... more Mo-gress to come!

Monday, November 06, 2006


Hey all,

I know, I know... I haven't posted in a long, long time. And now i've got the nerve to just jump back on my blog and post and expect everyone to still be reading it.

Yes it serves me right if no one reads this post, because i have been slack and lazy about my blog.

I know... and I'm sorry. Really, i am.

But i thought that all you out in blogland should know that during Movember (no, that's not a typo) i'll be growing what little Mo I can.

Movember is all about raising money and awareness about men's health. Men have a life expectancy 6 years less than women, more men die of prostate cancer than women do of breast cancer each year, and depression among men claims more than double the lives of men through suicide than the national road toll. It's pretty serious so I wanna try to help.

I know, I'm a bit facially-hair challenged, and the chances of me growing anything close to significant is pretty slim... but i'm gonna give it a go anyways.

My last shave was on Friday the 3rd of Movember. And yes, i know i'm starting a little late - but they made me keep my face cleanly shaven whilst working at the motor show (which was a blast - by the way) ... but better late than never.

Now, seen as there are only 24 days in Movember left, i'll be updating my blog every few days with a photo of my Mo-gress (that is... the progress of my 'mo').

Now, if you would like to sponsor me, I am a part of the Christ Church Curly Mo (CCCM) team. A bunch of us at Christ Church are growing Mo's as a team to raise money... So we're pooling all our sponsorship dollars together.

So, if you'd like to support me and the CCCM's, then please go to, enter my Rego number which is 41343 and your credit card details. All donations of $2 and over are tax deductible. If you dont have a credit card, you can just let me know you wanna sponsor us and give me some cash. Any and all support is greatly appreciated.

Stay tuned for my Mo-gress!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Separated at birth

Hey all,

I realised the other day that i hadn't posted in a while, and that's not very fair to all those who love to see what James is gonna say next.

So here's a quick one to tie you over for now... until i post about how RUBBISH Miami Vice was.

There's no elaborate story to go with this one like there was with the Napoleon Lawrenson post, but i found this quite humorous none the less.

I discovered some time ago that these two guys looked quite similar, and now i wish to share this discovery with the world.

Unfortunately, many of you have probably not had the pleasure of meeting young Richard Mitchell, which is to your detriment really. If you want to know more about this fine young lad, then go to his profile, courtesy of IBM and read up about him. I know, the photo looks like it belongs in his personal ad, but we wont hold that against him... any more.

Anyway - Richard, this man is slightly older than you, so maybe you weren't separated at birth... maybe he's you're long lost uncle, or maybe they just borrowed some of his DNA when they put you together in that test tube...

Either way...

(And Steph - this was my attempt at a 5 minute post. Didn't happen.)

Friday, July 14, 2006

"Fare thee well, Sir Anon."

I had hoped it would not have to come to this.

However, due to continual abuses of freedom, i have had to deny anonymous comments.

So - baring this in mind - i pose the question... what drives a person to leave anonymous comments?

Is it insecurity?
Is it cowardice?
Is it arrogance?
Is it the "too cool for skool" attitude?

I don't know - and i don't understand it.

But thankfully now it is something I - and the faithful readers of my blog - will be forced to tolerate no more.

Blog on.


Wednesday, June 28, 2006

No more mucking around...


I have officially had it with the governing bodies of sports. Mainly, FINA (swimming's governing body) and FIFA (soccer's governing body).

Enough is enough guys - you must bring in video refs. It has gone past the ridiculous point now.

The 2006 Soccer World Cup is just another example of the Little-Aussie-Battler getting unfairly slammed by bad referees not doing their job properly, and stupid governing bodies who wont use those lumps that sit a metre above their butts.

First, we have Otylia Jedrzejczak and Jess Schipper in the 200 butterfly at the 2005 World Championships. Schipper and Jedrzejczak are head to head, in front of world record pace, coming into the final few strokes. On the final stroke swum, Jess goes in, head down, arms out, hands touch the wall at the same time. Legit. Jedrzejczak comes in, head down, arms out... but what's this?? Right hand pulls down for a half stroke, she touches the wall with only her left hand, while her right hand is a whole arms-length behind it. (Which conveniently means she touches 0.04 seconds infront of Jess). Illegal. You have to touch with both hands. Ref "doesn't see it", Jedrzejczak gets the gold and the world record, Jess gets silver.

Then - a video from directly above is shown on the screen, showing how blatantly obvious it was that Jedrzejczak only touched with one hand. Only way you could misinterpret it is by not watching. Referee's call... "Sorry, we don't allow video evidence. Referee's call stands. Jedrzejczak gets the world record". Absolutely robbed. Check out this article for a run down.

Now... 2006 Soccer World Cup. Noted, Australia wasn't actually winning when the stupid call was made, but we were dominating the game. Grosso brings the ball into the box, Neil goes in for a tackle, slides, stops, and Grosso trips over him. Ref's decision... PENALTY!

Result? Italy gets a penalty kick from inside the box. Wins the game in the final minute.

I mean, it's not rocket science. Think about it:
1) Humans are fallible - they don't always get it right.
2) If a wrong decision is made by a referee, it could mean the difference between winning and loosing.
3) We actually have the technology to avoid, even completely eradicate, incorrect calls made by refs.

If you ask me - it's a no-brainer. That's right, governing bodies don't even need to use those lumps that sit a metre above their butts to understand this.

Sports like Rugby, Cricket, even some (if not all) Tennis tournaments have brought in video refs. And the result? Just calls.

I'm sick to death of it.

No more mucking around. It's time to pull your heads out of the sand.

Video refs are the only way forward.

Go on, you know you want rant about with me...