Thursday, May 04, 2006

After a long absence...

Hey all,

Due to various reasons, i have been very lazy with my blog updates. I'm very sorry to all those spend their days longing to know what James is going to say next. Don't worry, James is making a commitment to focus on what’s important in life.

Now, recently Ed Yorsten had a little Anzac Day Eve party. I got an group email about it, informing me of the date, time and place - as well as the theme. The theme was, according to the email "Super Heroes". I didn't speak to anyone about the bbq before hand and just went along to the place, on that date, and just a little bit after the time - all which were expressed in the email. Now, if you know anything about me, you know i am always ready for a dress up. So, having a vast array of racing suits for swimming, i decided to make use of an old pair. I borrowed an old pair of stockings from my mum, grabbed a red t-shirt and a pair of blue shorts, and I turned to the bbq looking like this:

After I turned round the corner of Ed's place, four thoughts came to mind in the space of about a minute... 1: Superiority, "You guys are so lazy and crap - you're supposed to dress up!".... 2: Confusion, "Wait a sec... no one is dressed up, what's going on?".... 3: Disappointment and fear "Oh no - it was a joke - i fell for it - everyone is laughing and pointing!".... 4: Self-assurance, "Whatever, nothing i can do about it now. And i look cool."

I could have done the bolt to my car and grabbed a pair a trackies and a jumper that were in there, and after seeing me, Ed offered me some clothes to get changed into. But, by that stage, as i mentioned before, i had assured myself that i looked cool, and therefore stayed as i was.

I actually had a great night, and after a while and an initial chuckle, everyone just got used to the fact that when it was time to go home, i would probably just swing on outta there by my web.

So - I pose the question... what would you do in that same situation? Or, if you have been in a similar situation, what did you do? Can't wait to hear your responses!

Oh yeah - and thanks again Ed. Who'd have thought that MTS staff would lie? Not me!
